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Career shiner offers a range of IT training programs which equips learners with actionable knowledge and technical skills. The goal of our training program is to provide the world with skilled human resources who are competent to practice and provide solutions in an ever-changing technology world. You can accelerate and certify the skills of a globally dispersed staff with standardized course materials through.

Strong technical knowledge and sound communication skills are core need to be a software engineer. Training can provide magical result in your career, because experts experience is going to share with you in optimum time period. Training is a simple and easy way to achieve our career dreams in short period of time.

Everyone have some set of skills and we believe to SHINE those skills, So that student able to implements real life scenarios. Career Shiner deals in Industrial Training, Corporate Training, On Campus Training and Workshop Programs. We always work to identifying and implementing new value add services for our students.

Requirement Analysis

Analysis is the intial phase of SDLC and strickly follow the same with our projects. Students able to learn all coding standards.

  • Client know what is required. After a thorough analysis of the requirements and planning steps to reach the target
  • Problem identification and project initiation
  • Background analysis and Inference or findings
  • Log all case study and problems analysis
High and Low Level Architecture Design

We specially focus the architecture, request flow and transaction management of the project. We provides special classes for design the High level architecture diagram, Request flow diagram, DFD, ER Diagram etc. Some phases are as follows.

  • Originate and Focus
  • Design
  • Build and Occupy

Front End Design Analysis

Design is the process of defining an information system that meets the needs of the users. The human interface is considered as well as the characteristics of the specific environments in which the system runs.

  • A Data Model, a partial or complete Entity Relationship Diagram
  • Interaction model, a partial or complete set of Process Action Diagrams
  • Implementation plan, a partial or complete plan determined through matrix clustering and affinity analysis
  • Business system definition, defined through Business System Definition

Database Design

The process of database design is divided into different parts.It consist of query execution optimization, decision on table relationship and coloumns etc.

  • Requirement Analysis
  • Conceptual Database Design (ER-Diagram)
  • Logical Database Design (Tables, Normalization etc)
  • Physical Database design (Table Indexing, Clustering etc)

Code Implementation of Specified Problem

Coding is most important phase of software development process. We follow and implementing all coding standard and also applied all required design pattrens. The most import thing is that our student also work on same pattern and that would be actual LIVE project.


Software Testing Life Cycle refers to a testing process which has specific steps to be executed in a definite sequence to ensure that the quality goals have been met. In STLC process, each activity is carried out in a planned and systematic way.

  • Requirements and Planning phase
  • Analysis and Design phase
  • Implementation and Execution phase

  • Conceptual Training with live practice
  • Will offer you stipend as you start to perform
  • Student can take help upto 8 hours in day
  • Don't pay until you got satisfied
  • We build you software developer not only conceptually strong
  • 100 % Job Assistance/Gurantee
  • Get an opportunities to work on real application not website level
  • Give you special classes like resume building, mail writing, way of talk etc.

Classroom Training

Our Classroom training is one of the best training delivery style. Experts trained you concepts with live coding in classroom. Best thing is the student can admire the trainer's body language, confidence etc and can live discussion with trainer.

Campus Training

Please keep in mind your are going to prove yourself not to teach to the interviewer, thats the thing you need to practice with us bcz the answers which you have listened in class that were teaching explanations

Online Training

To get placed our students, Career Shiner gives you unlimited opportunities for the placement. We are commited for our students until they got placed. The placement drives may on client locations or in our office.